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Inflammation Protocol Pack

$ 192.00

4 specially curated products to address the bodies inflammatory response. 

  1. Raw Nattokinase: Research shows improvement on blood clots, joint pain, and any inflammation in the body.
  2. Nano Ionic Joint: Dr. Dale's Nano Ionic Joint is a specially formulated blend designed to support the restoration of tissue after injury, inflammation, or degeneration.
  3. Optimal MultiPro: Vitamin B6, B12, and Folate can reduce inflammation in the body by lowering C-Reactive protein and homocysteine levels. 
  4. NAC Pro: Research suggests that NAC suppresses the production of inflammatory compounds in the body.
  1. Raw Nattokinase: 1 or 2 capsules 3 times per day for the first month, then reduce dosage as needed.
  2. Nano Ionic Joint: 30 drops in water daily.
  3. Optimal Multi Pro: 2 capsules and 1 with lunch.
  4. NAC Pro: 2 capsules twice daily with breakfast and lunch.

An anti-inflammatory diet is recommended for 90 days, avoid all dairy, gluten and animal products as well as sugar. Remember that toxins can store in the joints and bodily tissues and for this reason we suggest taking the full body detox kit for 1 or 2 months alongside this protocol.

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